Home Diversity, Equality, Inclusion (with collaboration instead of competition)

Diversity, Equality, Inclusion (with collaboration instead of competition)

Hillary Clinton, Jared Polis, and Jesse Jackson want us ALL to have a laser focus on one another’s crotches and skin color so that we can segregate ourselves into tribes based upon our differences.  The billionaire class is quite happy to see us fight one another in any way possible.  In the 1890’s Robber barron Jay Gould said, “I can hire one half of the workers to fight the other half”.  Instead of following the lead of Clinton, Polis, and Jackson why don’t we follow the lead of MLK and RFK?  They were attempting to form a People’s Movement when they were assassinated.  It was to be a collaboration of poor whites (today’s Maga-nuts) and blacks.  It would have instantly created a majority voting block to bring about economic justice for ALL!  The civil rights leaders after MLK trashed any thought of collaboration and pushed Affirmative Action instead.  Today, even the US Supreme Court has taken a stand against the divisive Affirmative Action approach.  Continuing the collaborative vision of MLK and RFK will be a mission of Our Common Sense.